Gold Sponsors
sinfab suttonp
Next Event:
Kingman Grand Prix
Date: Saturday, April 05 & Sunday, April 06
Location: Kingman, AZ


Silver Sponsors:
rugged weller
Bronze Sponsors:
nash motomutts renegade UOA rocky-mountain whitemountain dirtbike
Product Sponsors:
fly twinair ddc-racing vikingbags guts Sprocket slacker rebel clarke fmf p3carbon ims urmosi phoenix notoil cardo bg

2024 AZOP Champions

2025 Memberships Now Open for Current Members.

imageHurry now to save your race number. 2025 Memberships are now open for current memebers.

Click Here to Register.

2024 Motorcycle Endurance Team Race Champions

Class Place Team Name
Ironman First Kick Till Monday/Isaiah Clark
Ironman Second Collin Heath
Class Place Team Name
Team Expert First Team Chicken Burgers
Class Place Team Name
Team Mini First Team Muddy Maniacs
Class Place Team Name
Team Vet 35+ First Team FCA MX
Team Vet 35+ Second Team Werd Racing
Class Place Team Name
Team Family No Mini First Team Yazzie
Team Family No Mini Second Team Accuracy
Team Family No Mini Third Team Scootin Newton
Class Place Team Name
Team Senior 50+ First Team CBR

2025 Schedule
2025 Schedule
2025 Schedule

Rocky Mountain Race Gas Program

Please complete this form to get your credits for the Page Race, September 21-21! If you raced both days, complete the form for both days! 

Thank you.

Rocky Mountain Race Gas Program

If you raced Blythe Round 1 we have changed how we submit your information to Rocky Mountain. You will now be required for each event to complete the Google Form via the link and AZOP will send your information to Rocky Mountain. We will have a QR code at the registration table when you checked in and we will post the link for one week following each race.


For Camping and Pit Area

The following motorized vehicle policy goes into effect IMMEDIATELY. Please read this in its entirety. Failure to comply with this new policy may result in racer disqualification and or you may be asked to leave the premises.

No person under the age of 18 will operate any motorized vehicle except their race vehicle within the confines of an event with the following exceptions:
Race Vehicle From camp to registration and back.
Race Vehicle From camp to tech inspection and back.
Race Vehicle From camp to the starting line and back.
Race Vehicle From camp to camp for the purposes of receiving assistance with repairs.

Under no circumstances will a person under the age of 18 operate any other motorized vehicle to include golf carts. The only exception is a street legal passenger vehicle operated by a licensed driver age 16 and up, not to include golf carts, entering or exiting the venue.

Any person under the age of 18 as the operator of their race vehicle or as a passenger in any golf cart, UTV, motorcycle, quad, pit bike, OHV or any other vehicle besides a licensed passenger vehicle must wear a helmet at all times. This includes going to and from Tech inspection. You will get a penalty or disqualified if caught not wearing a helmet.

If a person who is not a racer is caught not following all these rules, the person in their camp that is a racer will be assessed with the penalty.

In addition, any other non-motorized vehicle including bicycles, skateboards or any other similar vehicles must follow any and all safety laws according to the state, county, city or town laws where the event is held, to include helmets or other safety equipment.


Tech Inspection
You MUST go through tech inspection before you go on the unclassified or parade lap (No exceptions) Also, MUST have the correct colored number combinations before Tech will pass you, So do not go to tech unless you have your numbers on your machines first. There will be colored strips and colored backgrounds and numbers available for sale at registration and near tech. If you need them put them on before you go to tech. Tech will be very busy so its your responsibility to show up early. Do not show up last minute and expect miracles!

Content presented on this website is the property fo AZOP Racing including but not limited to Images, Photos, videos, rules, registrations, etc. No information and/or files may be copied, duplicated, modified or adapted without written permission from AZOP owners.